Wednesday, January 26, 2011


I've been summoned by the courts of St. Louis County to serve a two-week stint. The process is fascinating and the meaning of what it is to be a trial juror is honorable, and yet, nerve-wracking knowing someone's fate is a matter of your opinion. Yesterday, I had to report @ 0830 for a 12-minute video orientation and sign a sheet before the judge came into the lounge. He stated, "Some of you might take this as good or maybe bad news but in all my years I've never seen a large maritime civil case settle out of court like this one did around 7:00 PM last night. This probably would have gone on for about a week but you're free to go." My group wasn't chosen to go in for a panal questioning today which is giving me the opportunity to get a cyclocross ride on the snomo trails w/Henry done this afternoon. Having my life not really my own for these 10 days(M-F) is the one thing I don't like about the system. Maybe I'm just being selfish but having to call a phone number after 5:00 PM daily to listen to a recording that informs you whether you are required to be present is a bit frustrating. Being a very anal-retentive individual w/scheduling makes this difficult to accept, however, it is a change!

Training currently is a challenge and finding a rhythm is something I place a lot of value on. Oh well, I'm doing my best given the situation God has me in right now.


Unknown said...

CycloCross on the snomo trails? Wow, how do you do that?

Dave Schuneman said...

Yep, it is just like it appears, pedaling the skinny knobs when the conditions are prime. Rich asked us the same thing when he bumped into us going the opposite direction on the trail. This is my first winter doing it and it sort of happened from a dare and surprisingly it turned into something.