Thursday, April 1, 2010

windy on Thompson Hill

Pete Sandelin and I met @ Whole Foods Co-op this afternoon on bikes to crank it out for the western edge of town. Our sense of direction was good but we were meandering like guys unfamiliar w/city maps trying to avoid Spirit Valley business district. Eventually, we got on the Munger Trail and noticed a gentle hand on our backs rolling us swiftly along. Knowing that a challenging return was awaiting us, the Buffalo House would settle for a landmark turnaround. Taking I-35 frontage roads on both sides by using Ugstad to get under the freeway proved brutal as a sustained breeze w/gusts that nearly knocked us off our steeds made the going slow but very hard!! I got him to embrace the situation as it builds character while improving fitness. Bringing it in on Skyline Parkway we jumped up Rice Lake to Macfarlane to spin this area before I had to bomb downtown for work. Conditions like this put 3+ hours in the saddle equivalent to more...


Unknown said...

How are the hips feeling?

Dave Schuneman said...

T-Hips were much better as it was the first ride in shoes w/cleats for the season. Platforms & straps might have been taking its toll on the hills.?.