Sunday, February 28, 2010

tandem x 2

As the weather forecast is very promising for the next week I saw many cyclists out on the roadways this weekend. My friend Dudley just started riding a few days ago and so I knew he'd be good for maybe a couple hours as we met at his place earlier this afternoon. Heading out to Lakewood Township is the usual direction as gravel makes for nice training grounds. Rolling on the icy, muddy & sometimes slushy roads of Wahl and Cant I could see before Dudley mentioned that he was in way over his skill level. So, we would find the upper part of McQuade and move toward the lake. I stopped into my place to take a squirt and grab some food quickly to get back at it as sunlight was burning. Uncertain why but I had interest in doing the second half of my ride in the west end of town. Only a mile down Superior Street I'd see Charlie Farrow going the opposite way. Pulling off into the fire station lot I waited for him as he turned around. Being game for anything he was eager to join me as a 20+ hour week had him itching to log just what I had planned. Equally delighted, I too had yet another training partner during a single effort! Fabulous conversation was a sure deal to make this portion go by swiftly. Beginning w/topics like how it'll be around June according to doctors evaluation that half of a frost bitten toe should fall off and later need a graft from the skin of his ass. Next, it changed to the economy and how medical insurance sucks for many. Of course, I like to hear that his rapidly growing Sophie is becoming a brave and adventurous one like her father. Much of the ride though was spent talking about our racing agenda and what motivates us. We'd roll out Michigan and Grand to climb Highland up to Skyline Parkway and return. Duration totaling 4:17 sat alright w/me as I'm patient to allow the ones twice as long to commence in a month.

1 comment:

Charlie Farrow said...

Great to ride w/you on Sunday!!! Hope to see you again soon.